Guildford Pancake Races 2025

  • Each competitor must start and finish with a frying pan containing mostly a whole pancake
  • The winner is the first person to cross the finish line with frying pan and mostly whole pancake (intact or otherwise!), having tossed the pancake at each tossing point.
  • In relay races, the next runner may only start when they have received the frying pan, with pancake, from their team’s previous runner.
  • Competitors start with their feet behind the start line.
  • The race is started by the Starter firing the starting pistol or by other means as briefed by the Starter, following precautionary orders as briefed by the Starter (eg “on your marks” etc).
  • Young children run a 35m course; other children and adults run a 50m course.
  • The finish line is at the end of the course near the upper end of the High Street.
  • Tossing points are marked by lines across the course: four for the 50m course, two for the 35m course.
  • Competitors must toss their pancake at each tossing point and must be stationary while tossing.
  • Two Stewards (Tossing Monitors) will monitor each tossing line to ensure competitors comply with the tossing rule. They will draw any cheating to the attention of the Finish Line Team.
  • The Finish Line Team Leader will judge the winner and second and third placed competitors.
  • The first part of a competitor’s body, including the frying pan if it is held in the hand and the pancake if it is touching the pan, to cross the finish line determines that competitor’s position.
  • The adjudication of the Finish Line Team Leader is final.
  • Competitors must follow the instructions of the Race Marshal at all times and the Starter for the start of the race.
  • Competitors who fail to follow the instructions of the Race Marshal, Starter or any Steward, who cheat, or who otherwise behave in an unsafe manner will be asked to leave the course.
  • Whilst competitors are encouraged to ‘dress up’ the use of objects that assist the competitor in winning, or are deemed dangerous by the Race Marshall, are prohibited. One such example would be a wheelbarrow.
  • Sponsors – Help support the Pancake Races

  • Competitors – Book yourself into the race

  • Volunteers – We need typically 40 volunteers for a couple of hours on the day

  • Prizes – If you can supply prizes for winning contestants please get in touch

  • Mascots – The Mascot Race always rounds off the morning on a cheery note