Our History

Charlotteville and Pancake Racing

20 years ago, on Tuesday 8 th February 2005, the Charlotteville Jubilee Trust hosted their first pancake races in Guildford High Street. The Trust were in the process of saving a Grade II listed Vagrants and Casuals Ward from inappropriate development. The proposal was to provide a community centre in the building, which is known as the Spike, as well as a heritage experience which would tell the story of how the poor were treated under the Victorian Poor Laws. To remind people that poverty and homelessness were not a thing of the past the Trust started the Great Guildford Pancake Races to raise money for charities that look after those less well-off.

Our Chosen Charity This Year

Our first races back in 2005 raised money for what was then No. 5 Night Shelter. This year we will be holding the event to raise money for the Mayor of Guildford’s Local Support Fund. The fund helps residents of Guildford Borough who are facing financial difficulties.

Read More About It

But, We Need Your Help Again!

The pancake Races are entirely self-funded and run by volunteers both from the local community and from far afield. We rely on the generosity of our sponsors and the keenness of the town community to keep the races as an enjoyable annual event with many people taking part.

If you can help in any way, please contact us: pancakes@charlotteville.co.uk