If you would like to enter one of the races, either as a team or as an individual, it would be fantastic if you could let us know as soon as possible. This will make planning the morning much easier.

The following should give you a better idea about the happenings on and before the day.

  • Notify us ASAP if you would like to enter – especially for the relay teams of four on pancakes@charlotteville.co.uk
  • One week before the event we will start publishing the names of entrants and the (probable) race times on our website

  • On the night before we will finalise the race schedule and publish to this site.
  • From 10:45AM on 4th March 2025 pancakes will be available outside the Guildhall cooked by Anne Milton and Tony Scott tbc donations are accepted and all proceeds will go towards the Guildford Mayor’s Support Fund.
  • From 11:00AM (latest) registration opens in the foyer of the Guildhall, GU1 3AA.
    All entrants MUST REGISTER typically 20 minutes before their race, please pay and register before the day if you can. Cash is the preferable payment method on the day.
  • Online or at the Guildhall, you will be asked to agree to the Race Rules and agree that you take part in these races at your own risk.

  • 11:27 The event will be officially opened by Sallie Barker the Mayor of Guildford
  • 11:30 first race gets underway.
  • After each race the winners will receive a winners ticket from the Finish Line Team which should be taken to the prize giving team on the first floor of the Guildhall.
  • 12:20 (TBC) last race usually the Mascots.
  • Back to work or off to the pub.


Form in here – need confirm on if payment taken via a specific link or from the website?